I would like to take you all on a journey with me and my Black and Tan brothers back in time. As we enjoy a year-long celebration heading into our 40th anniversary, there is a lot to reflect on.
Many of you are old enough to remember the less complicated, electronic free days of the 1970’s and early 80’s. Back then you carried change in your pocket to make a phone call in the corner phone booth and actually walked up to a guy in a bar to physically say “hello”. While the characters on Dallas and Dynasty might have been known for the glamorous and dramatic, it was always even more exciting to see which motorcycle or uniform club would out do each other and throw the GRANDEST party! Going on bike runs and tea dances were the way people got to know one another. Magazines like After Dark and Blueboy were on everyone’s coffee table. Tom of Finland erotic illustrations hung on your walls. And on your off day or late at night, you’d secretly pop in the latest Joey Stafano twink boy video into your gigantic VCR.
While I am younger than a few of you, I am certainly older than most. I remember these things with great fondness and often wonder, “Where did all of the fun go?” As we all get older and life gets faster and more complex, it seems like it takes much more effort to enjoy the simpler times.
As this year’s Commander, it is my responsibility to guide the club through all of the events and celebrations that we host throughout the year. And with our 40th anniversary approaching, it got me thinking about all of the fun that has been shared over the years with the Black and Tans. As the club’s former historian, last year I started scanning for the archives old photographs of past events. I started with “Photo Album One 1974”. It was this aged and worn book. Many of the pictures were faded from time and sunlight. As I began documenting the names of the events and guys in the pictures, it got me to thinking, “We should do that again.” That sentiment was validated every time I would ask a senior member of the club (anyone who’s been a member longer than me) about a picture, his eyes would light up, usually followed by a very funny story about the guys in the picture or event.
What better way to celebrate 40 years of Black and Tans memories than to relive a few! Throughout the year, we will be posting 40 years of photographs on this site. This is a very intimate look inside the club and will shed some light on the members and allow you….and us… a chance to reminisce on the GRAND STYLE that has always been and will always be…
The Regiment of the Black and Tans!
– Commander Blackmon