Congratulations to our Mr. Regiment Colin MacDougall, Mr LA Leather 2023! The Mr Los Angeles Leather Contest 2023 was held at The Catwalk Club
First Runner-Up was Justin ’The Stork’ Hauser – Mr. Bullet leather 2023
Second Runner-Up was Yair Lopez – Mr. Cachondo Leather 2023
Photos by Motorboot Photography

Yair, Colin and Justin

Congratulatios to Colin MacDougall!!
Colin MacDougall won the Mr. Regiment Leather Contest, held on Oct 15 2022 at Eagle LA

Congrats to Collin MacDougall – Mr Regiment 2023!! (Photo credit: Motorboot Photography)
Jeff May is the winner of the Mr. Regiment 2020 Leather Contest, held at the Faultline bar (October 2019)